Taking advantage of mountains

Please forgive the exorbitant amount of pictures, but my heart aches for the mountains, so we tried to bottle up as much of the pine scent and take as many pictures as possible to tide me over until next year when we take another road trip to see mountains. 

I have to say that I have not yearned for mountains in all my life as much as I have over the past two years. Living in flat Indiana has started to make my skin itch, and with no move in sight or even really desired, I find the need to drive to mountains as often as I can. I do prefer the mountains of the west, so I'm hoping to head that way again soon-ish. I will say that although Missouri is the longest state in the planet to drive through (perhaps even more so than Nebraska), it has some gorgeous rocky mountain sides. I'm happy Missouri isn't too far away because I can always get there quickly. 

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