mourning summer.

Summer was a perfect blend of adventure, curiosity, freedom and love. Every year I mourn the end of summer break because I am acutely aware of the rigidity that comes with school schedules and extra curricular activities. Summer means lingering beach days and random dancing in the rain parties that last until the puddles dry up. I happen to love all the lingering of summer; I love letting my kids stay and play and create until our skin is a tad too sun kissed and our bellies are starving. I don't love all the begging for snacks on the way home, but I think it's worth it.

The other day I watched my kids jump around in the summer rain, and it made me so happy. I wanted to join them, but I felt almost intrusive on their space, so I sat on the garage floor and laughed as they made fools of themselves for over an hour. I started taking mental notes of all the times my kids shoved their messy, chubby hands into mine at the end of an activity. I craved all the times the kids asked me for an extra hug or an extra chapter at night. Summer was so, so good to us. Sure, there were plenty of mornings where I barked chore duties to deaf ears, but those things resolved quickly. I love that the kids enjoy each other. I don't know how many more years they will prefer their own company to the company of friends, so I am trying to soak it all in.

I suppose a reason I mourn the end of summer is because it's just another calendar example that my kids are getting older. I am excited to see what those years bring, but I have really loved watching my kids be kids because no matter how big of stinkers they might be on a given day, I really have the best kids.

1 comment :

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