
The piano.

I own a dozen air pianos and air violins. I even own an air drum set, although it's not used as often as the other two. You can often find me playing my air piano or violin on the way to and from school, shhhing the kids and asking them to pay attention to the music (not the lyrics), but the music behind the lyrics.

I love the piano. I wish I was a better piano player. Regrettably, I only practice 3-4 times a week because a. I forget or b. Timmy climbs on my lap minutes after I begin. I don't always hear the music I play. I often ask Tim, "Did that sound like music?" Sometimes I play and only hear disconnected notes, and it frustrates me because in the car, I can really play. I feel music when I don't have to play it. I feel the beat until I try to play the beat.

But it is a bucket list item of mine to learn to play the piano. The fact that I am playing any song with two hands is beyond my comprehension; I used to only plunk out notes on the right hand. Someday I will play for a crowd--a small crowd--in my own home, but for now, my poor father-in-law patiently sits through lessons coaching me along. For now, I am a better air piano player. But someday I will actually be a real piano player.

1 comment :

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