peanut wonderings: how do you feel about aging?

I never worried too much about aging believing it was just a natural part of life and why try to stop it. This was my belief, and I was sticking to it...until a month ago. Nearly four weeks ago I looked took a deep look at my face while I was brushing my teeth. I didn't know my own face. Somewhere over the past few years I added a wrinkle here and a wrinkle there, and my skin had become dry and blotchy. Gone were the oily days of my teenage years.

Since I hardly wear makeup I thought it important to research products that would help improve the quality of my skin. I purchased some new cleanser, moisturizer and night cream to smooth out the rough edges. I am determined to take better care of myself because I don't want to date myself before I'm thirty.

How do you feel about aging? What do you do to take care of your skin?

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