
he just gets it.

For a man who longs to hold a baby boy in his arms, my husband is the perfect dad for girls. He understands girls better than I think most girls understand their own gender. I have always loved that about Tim. I knew he'd surpass all I thought a dad should be just moments after Mya was born and he held her calmly in his arms. 

He is the calming spirit in our house. All he has to do is hold one of our girls in his arms and whisper into their ears and attitudes change. He can snap Mya out of her funks within seconds when it takes me a good hour most of the time. V snuggles into Tim's shoulder whenever she is sad or angry and instantly finds her smile. 

Tim will add another female peanut to his roster this year. He may not be able to create a baseball team with his peanuts, but he will have one amazing cheerleading squad. His girls will honor and worship the gravel his cleats run on and they will kiss his boo-boos when he falls. They will scream his name from the bleachers and race to his side the moment the final whistle blows in every one of his games. They will always be so proud of their daddy. 

Bun...we love you. We anxiously wait for you to come home everyday and nearly beat the window down as you pull out of the driveway each morning. The hours of the day don't pass quickly enough. We miss you all the time. You are our shining knight, especially mine. I adore you. I love you. 

Happy Father's Day.


  1. What a precious picture of proud daddy and his little baby girl (who's not so little anymore).

    Hope it was a great father's day!

  2. So sweet he really does seem like the perfect dad for daughters!

  3. I love this. Its just perfectly said.


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