
in the end.

in the end...she acted like the big girl i knew she was, and i acted like the softy i am by holding back some really unexpected emotion as we hugged goodbye. 

today was one of those days that hit you square in the face and remind you how quick life really is. one moment she's a baby, see here and the next she's all grown up waving me off and saying grown-up things like, "oh mom, just go. i'll be fine." 

no nervous feelings surfaced this morning. she was fearless and independent. i believe we have a good student on our hands. she already asked me if she could do homework. sure baby girl, sure. 

(we got to school a few minutes early to play at the playground and get rid of any last minute jitters.)


  1. Hooray for our brave kids. Marshall was running to get in line with his class and I was trying to hide my tears from him. Time really goes too, too fast. How are we old enough to be 30 and have five year olds?! Well Janine, your girls are darling as always. Miss you guys.

  2. Oh goodness, the photo of those two holding hands in black and white...I just bawled my eyes out and my girl's a few years away from starting school! xx

  3. That picture of them holding hands! So sweet. I remember being completely caught off guard when Liv started pre-school last year. I was so excited to have her out of the house I didn't realize I'd get emotional over thinking of some one else getting to have time with her instead of me.


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