
Still waiting...

Well...we are still waiting for Mya to come. We are getting pretty excited and we wanted to show everyone the incredible mobile that we received from Grandma and Grandpa Doot. It plays the Michigan fight song and moves in a circle when you turn it on. The song is like a little Michigan-fighting lullaby. When I first put it on the crib Janine said: Wow, I thought it would have been a little more ferocious than that. I guess the mobile takes after the team this year... I wish they would be a little more ferocious too. At least Mya will be well acquainted with the fight song for next year...Go Blue!


  1. :) Enjoy waiting! the time will fly by!

  2. Your blog is so fun to read!! Maybe we'll see you tomorrow:)

  3. Congratulations!!! We are really excited for you! we need to get together.

  4. Janine-I hope Mya comes soon. Waiting stinks, but hey, it gives you a little more time to pamper yourself before she comes. Go get a message or a pedi!

  5. Hope the delivery goes well! We'll just miss you I guess...we are spending Thanksgiving in Manti!! Maybe we'll catch you at Christmas. Good luck with everything!

  6. We're having another office party tomorrow at 8 if you guys want to come!


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