
Mya's new friends...

Rusty and Whitney were the first ones on the scene.

Proud papa and a proud papa to be

Mya with her aunt Anna.

Taylor and Dana made the trek down from SLC

Tim, Dana, Taylor and Mya. Three great guys with the little cutie.

Brianne was so cute, she gave Mya a kiss on the forehead.

Lori, Brianne and Alyssa came to visit, soon we will be the ones visiting Lori's new baby

Alyssa and Mya

We were lucky enough to have Mya come on a day when Liza was in town. She came by for a nice little visit with us and the newborn.

Thank you to everyone that came down to visit, it was kinda crazy at some points and we weren't able to take pictures with everyone. Thank you to Jeff and Jackie for the great fruit, the Empy's for the beautiful flowers, Steve and Trina for coming to visit, and Kristen.


  1. She is beautiful! I wish that I was there to see her. How are you?

  2. What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations! I'm glad Mya made it here safe.


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley