Sometimes small is better

There are very few times in my life when I actually think small is better. I mean when I think of buying three pieces of chicken breast at my local grocery store to buying my normal bag of 15 pieces of chicken breasts at Costco...I vote the bag at Costco. I love my big bag of chicken from Costco for a variety of reasons but mostly because of the convenience of having a lot of chicken for the whole month. I love buying bigger things such as shampoo and conditioner bottles. I haven't purchased new bottles in over a year because I bought the huge bottles at Costco last year. Great investment. I love big pillows and blankets. I must sleep with at least two huge blankets. I love to cuddle into them. I love big boxes of Nerds. Forget the 69 cent boxes that are gone in a few seconds. I buy them in bulk at Walmart. It may be the only thing I buy from Walmart seeing as I don't support that large store. Yuck. I love buying spices in bulk. Don't know why but seeing them in my cupboards makes me smile. I dream about the day we will purchase our BIG king bed. We were walking around a furniture store for fun the other day, and we compared the king to the queen. I just can't wait. Although Tim and I are lovey-dovey by day, we are not so much at night. I like my side. He likes his. Mya usually sneaks in the middle when she is teething (which thankfully is not lately). I like watching movies on big screens. It beats the small screen anytime. I totally prefer big dogs to small dogs. I have yet to find a love for the small beasts yet. Sorry Ash. I do adore your pup, but he is just not for me. I would and do tote my big camera with me over my little one any day. I also love my meat big. Today Tim made some delicious steak. And let's just say that the size did not disappoint...nor did the taste. He marinaded it overnight in some delicious goodies that still make my tummy smile. I just love big things. However, today made me realize the beauty of being small.

It was a warm day today when I picked Mya up from the sitter's, and I decided to take her over to the playground across the street. She loved it. We ran up the stairs and climbed the ropes for about an hour before the sun went down. We also slid down the slides about 50 times. Mya is a sucker for slides. Well, on one run down the slides, we were holding hands sitting side by side going down. I reached out to pick up Mya before the slide ended which was literally about 5 seconds when I went bump, bump and thud to the ground. Ouch. There was ice hidden under the wood chips at the bottom of the slide and when I went to grip the ground, there wasn't anything to grip so I went off the slide and hit the hard ice. Luckily, I caught Mya. She just giggled thinking the whole event was premeditated. Nope. I am still feeling the aftermath. My neck hurts. After that run, we began to walk home. Mya fell over three times as we walked around the block. A giggle followed each fall. What it would be like to be so small and to be able to fall without feeling pain. That moment taught me being small is sometimes better. There are other things that are better left hair and heels on shoes, but I will stick with my thought that usually bigger is better.

Here are a few pictures witnessing that to Mya...small is better. When you are small, you can eat with your hands and no one looks at you and thinks, "Where are your manners?" You can also eat without a shirt on. Awesome. You can also drip the food down the front of you and someone will always be there to wipe it off. Sweet.

When you are small, you can push a tiny shopping cart throughout the house while filling it full of pantry items. And you can also fit in the same cart as mommy pushes you throughout an obstacle course of clothes and toys in the front room. I really had her laughing that night.

Naked bath pictures are still appropriate when you are small. And you can get away with strange hair. Mya doesn't take many baths (she prefers the shower), but when she does, boy how she likes to play with letters. Maybe it is the result of having an English major as a mom.

You can also fit into the bottom drawers when you are small. I personally hate when she does this because I am afraid she will break the drawer, but it still makes me laugh each time I catch her climbing inside. You can see it is full of kid friendly towels. And let me tell you...I find those towels all over the house. Silly girl.
Here's to being small!


  1. She is so adorable. After we dropped her off Kylee said, "Why can't Mya be our little sister-with her dark hair and her dark skin"! I laughed so hard. She is such a good little girl. We are happy to watch her anytime!

  2. I love the 3rd pic where she is looking at her fingers, you can just see that mind at work. What a beautiful girl!

  3. I was actually thinking about how great it is to be small as I have been watching Nory learn to walk. I am sure many parents have thought this in the past, but how many times do we get back up after we fall. The 1st time, 2nd time, or the 100th time? Norah has probably fallen 100 times but she wants it so bad that she keeps on going. Love the pics!


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