
Can I tell you how much I love my iPhone? I love it almost as much as I love my favorite shoes. I was torn when I bought it because I didn't know if I would actually use it for what it is worth and I was concerned that I would set it down and lose it the first day I had it. So far so good. I am a bit paranoid about it so I constantly check my bag to make sure it is still there. It is one expensive phone. I will also admit that I don't use it the way the world says I should. I don't play games. I think I have one game on the phone for me: Words with friends. I don't really surf the internet. I read emails but rarely respond to them with the iPhone because I feel much more free when I have a keyboard in front of me. However, I text a lot. A lot. It has become so much easier to text and there are just a few people I love to text because they make me laugh all day. I also take a lot of pictures and make a number of movies. It has been well worth every penny even though I don't use it as I probably should. In honor of my iPhone and because I love you all so much that I want you to see my crazy girls, here are some of the photos and videos I have captured with my fun little toy:

Her dunkin donut face
Her first braid
She's cute when she isn't screaming

Some favorites:



  1. Janine, I think you make great use of your iphone, thanks!

  2. I can see 2 things that I "Love" about this post.

    1) The dress....she is still wearing "the dress". cracks me up! I think that dress has probably been in about 80% of your posts lately.

    2) Dunkin Donuts! Love! Love! Love! Their double chocolate donut is the best...mmmm craving!

  3. I knew that you would! I-Phones are too legit to quit. They are just so darn handy. I'm glad you made the jump.

  4. I'm watching these on repeat for the rest of the day.


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