a little taste of them: Emily

Have you ever read Ruffling Feathers? Just the blog title enticed me enough to read and keep reading Emily's amazing posts. Emily has a way of saying things that just make sense. She also has an incredible eye for fashion. You won't be disappointed if your blog path crosses hers. 

[during engagement: Aug 2005]

How did you meet? In high school, I dated his best friend. Oops!

Do you still have his first love note? What did it say? Yes! We were talking on the phone and he said he needed to tell me something but made me write it down. He gave me the first letter of each word, and then added letters slowly until I finally read "I think I'm falling in love with you." He was such a wuss! But, so cute, and I still have the paper!

How did he ask you to marry him? He took me to Bridal Veil Falls ( a local waterfall) and had a table with candles and "bubbly" (Martinelli's as we don't drink and I couldn't anyway at the ripe age of 19!) When I said yes his friends lit off fireworks higher up on the mountain, it was so exciting!

What is your favorite memory of your wedding day? Looking across the altar while the ceremony was performed and tears were running down his face. It was the happiest day for us after a long and sometimes bumpy road of dating. 

What is your favorite moment of the honeymoon? We planned a short weekend around a rock concert and somehow found the front row of general admission. As the headlining band took the stage it felt like a brick wall up against us, so many people were pushing to get to the front. It felt like we were suffocating, but we couldn't stop laughing. It was one of those telling moments into our lives together. So much opposition in life, but we laugh our way through it.

What was your first gift to him/her? Our first Christmas I bought him a drum set. Which was stupid because you can't really top a drum set... so the gift giving went downhill from there. 

What is your preferred way to flirt as a married couple? We both have really crass and crude senses of humor so it's usually totally inappropriate. 

How do you keep the flame alive after months or years of marriage? We've been married 6 years and after the initial honeymoon phase, you have to put effort in. I always say you don't give 50-50, you have to give 100% and 100%. If we're constantly putting the other one first, then we'll both be taken care of. I think learning what the other person's love language is and then doing our best to love them the way they want to be loved creates a stable foundation. 
 (the Platinum Rule is so much better than the Golden Rule.)
I love and trust my husband as my partner in life, my best friend and someone who always brightens my day, and an amazing father to my boys. We work hard at having a healthy relationship and in turn we're rewarded with deep and unwavering love for each other. I can't help but want to show him in all the ways I can. ;)


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley