To be so good: Cali

My friend Cali is an amazing mother, wife, listener, runner, singer and comedian. We met while working as counselors for a youth camp. It was a friendship made in heaven. She is the person who introduced me to endless lime at Jamba Juice. I will be forever grateful. 

What did you think of him on your first date?

Bryan and I met at a church meeting, and planned to go to dinner after.  When I got there, he was already sitting down and was saving me a spot.  I had admired him from afar for awhile, and I was really interested to see how I felt when we spent some time together. The minute I sat down next to him-- I instantly and honestly felt like I wanted to be a better person. He was so good. I had the distinct feeling that if I ended up with him--we would bring out the best in each other.  That was the feeling I had always wanted to feel when dating someone, and so I knew he was special right off the bat.

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