Spring is finally in bloom in Wisconsin. The temperature hit the 80s this week and let me tell you...it has been heaven. My girls and I have rarely stepped one foot indoors after 9am. We've just been too busy chasing birds and squirrels, creating art with sidewalk chalk, riding our bikes up and down the driveway a million times a day, taking wagon walks, reading books on the cool sidewalk and licking Popsicles in the sunshine.

I couldn't help but notice all the budding bushes, trees and flowers yesterday as I pulled the girls in the wagon. I've been watching the growing process happen for two weeks now. Two weeks ago the trees were bare and brown to look at. Now, green, pink and white blossoms are popping out all over the branches. It is beautiful.

With all sunshine warming my pale skin, I feel extra warm inside too. Spring has filled my droopy spirit with so much hope. I just want to soak it all in.

Aside from the beauty happening all around me, there isn't much to report from this house. We still don't know where we are moving but know we will be moving within a matter of weeks. I have been filled with so much anxiety over this whole thing that spring has really been an excellent distraction.
I've also been potty training V for the last two weeks and although she gets it, she has not been as easy to train as Mya. Both V and Elle are teething. Elle's bottom tooth popped out on Monday and true to form, she is not a very happy teether. So when we aren't outside, we are usually crying or screaming indoors. I'm not sure if the pain lessens when we go outside or if there are just enough distractions but the girls do so much better outside.

And my Mya...well, she has four weeks left of school. I don't have the heart to tell her. She really believes her teachers are going to come with us; I haven't told her otherwise. This move is going to be particularly difficult on her, and it breaks my heart.

Hopefully next time I write I will have more news about our pending move.

 {i've just gotta say this little mama looks so cute in panties.}

1 comment :

  1. It's been awful here too but this weekend has given the first warmth and sunshine of the year and we've lapped it up! Delicious to feel the rays on your skin after the never ending grey of winter.Rx



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