on rebuilding: part two (research)

I trust you are all dreaming up simple little things and keeping your spirits high and hopeful. I am. Things have been mostly happy over here in a very soggy California. I honestly didn't know California was humid but boy is it ever thick and sticky at the moment. With the exception of all the Mercedes and BMWs I'd never know I left the Midwest. Perhaps this is just a little gift from Milwaukee; it's saying hi there J...you'll never forget about me. Never.

The next action verb in the rebuilding sequence is research. Research, research, research. If you don't know what to do to make you happy, look for it. But look in the right places. One of the home rebuilding sites I looked at said, "Look at things appropriate to your needs. If you need another bathroom, stay away from bedroom magazines." Those lines popped out of the screen and hit me smack on the forehead.

I'm always complicating things by studying and trying so many approaches that I often overlook the simple answers and steps to solving problems. If you're struggling with getting your kids to clean their room perhaps you should look at how you approach cleaning a room. Do their actions reflect yours? If you are trying to organize your life, you probably shouldn't throw more ideas and activities on the pile before you clean up the stuff you've already started. If something worked, use it. If it didn't, trash it. Get it out of the pile immediately. If you are struggling with staying happy, start reading some happy books such as The Happiness Project or Love Does or Positive Thinking Everyday. Steer clear of books that make you overwhelmed or get you down.

Dream simple. Do your research while looking in the right places. Happy rebuilding!

1 comment :

  1. just finished the happiness project! i'm trying to implement the 1 min rule. if it takes less than a min- don't put it off.


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