sometimes it's nice to have everything appear perfect

Sometimes it's nice to have life appear perfect, even if it's just for a minute. That's what I feel about family pictures because in general all family pictures portray happy children and calm parents. We all know this isn't always the case. 

Our good friend (who happened to be our wedding photographer too) was in California for a week so we decided to get together at Dana Pointe to take a few pictures. She is one of most talented photographers I know. She took all these pictures (and more) in about twenty minutes. She currently resides near Austin, Texas, but she does travel for weddings. I'd recommend her for any occasion. 

For more information on Nickell Photography, see here


  1. You all look Great! Love the pics. That is a great color on you, Janine.

  2. She is a fabulous photographer, I love these, she captured some beautiful shots.

  3. Great pictures, beautiful family! I love Mya's expression with sand all over her hands. And Janine, you are beautiful my friend.

  4. I love all these photos! The last one is cute too with Blue!

  5. Thank you! For reals. You said some nice stuff. Also I'm really awkward with compliments, so there's that.


"Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book." Malcolm Cowley