A Disney Christmas Eve

We were fortunate enough to receive some free tickets to Disneyland on Christmas Eve. We met up with my brother and Anthony, and we had a magical day. It still amazes me how much more we did since we didn't stand in line to wait for princesses. Mya didn't even really ask to see any. We just enjoyed the rides and the occasional character we saw out and about.

It was crazy busy. I get a little anxious around big crowds, but for some reason, I handled the Disney crowd just fine. I was even lucky enough to witness a fight between two dads. Who knew people fought at Disneyland? I guess someone's kid got a little too close to some woman, and it set the husband off. People. I couldn't believe it.

Anyway, I just had to post some of the pictures because we really had such a wonderful time. And a special thank you to Anthony for getting us the tickets. There is no way we could've done it without him.

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