Pumpkin picking

A week ago we squeezed too much into a Saturday. We pushed the kids through their naps and quiet time just so we could run several errands, attend a festival, watch Mya's soccer game and pick pumpkins at a local flower market. We paid for it dearly. Trust me. By the time we arrived at the flower market, we were all close to losing our minds. Luckily for me, I still captured a few cheery pictures between the tantrums and grumpy faces.

We told the girls that the flower market was a pumpkin patch. They believed us. We just didn't have time this year to drive an hour away to pick pumpkins. Saturdays are our busiest days. Tim and I haven't even watched a full football game this year. (Isn't that the saddest thing you've ever heard? Tear.) Between soccer games, home errands and church obligations, we just haven't had time to do much of anything, let alone relax. It's starting to wear on our tired bodies. Oh well, I guess that's family life these days. We just need to adjust and adjust quickly.

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