a moment to catch up and a thought about light

First things first, our Birdie is no longer this tiny. Tim took these pictures a few days after she was born, and you know...I've been meaning to upload them for the past four weeks, but it just didn't happen. I think he did an excellent job catching faces we had no idea we'd grow accustom to throughout the last month. Birdie loves to sleep and eat...hence the reason she is chunking up quite nicely. Tim and I don't want to jinx ourselves because we have a tendency to do that, but so far Birdie has been our easiest baby. Just this morning I was snuggling her in bed as she snored in my ear, and Tim walked in and said, "We'd probably have a dozen babies if they were all like Birdie." He's probably right, but we all know that my babies have a tendency to be just as fussy as me so we'll never reach a dozen. My body is grateful for that--really grateful.

There is so much to write and so many pictures to upload, but I'll start here and try and catch up this week. Please forgive me if I post too often or if I don't post at all. I always start each day with high hopes, and my hopes are either heightened or dashed by about 10am, depending on the girls' moods. The girls have been so emotional since Felicity's birth. Don't get me wrong--they adore her. They beg to hold and kiss her, but it is very obvious that our world has been altered, and they are still trying to adjust. It's been hard for me to help them because I never know what to expect from each day. One minute we're all doing well, the next I'm driving someone to the doctors or hospital or having emotional breakdowns in Sam's Club. We'll get there; I know we will. I just keep telling Tim that he'll see the real me again in about 6 months.

We are all finally on the mend (except for Mya who recently came down with a nasty cough), and it feels so good to wake up exhausted, but not in pain. Pain is never good. Never. I finally caught up with my work. I never told my boss I was pregnant so I didn't slow down at all when Felicity came. I sat in my hospital room editing away while she slept on my chest. I tried to keep my normal schedule when I arrived home from the hospital but found it hard to do all that was required of me with a body that just wouldn't cooperate. I asked for some extensions, especially during the past week with Tim and his appendicitis, and I took the time I needed to catch up. I finally did. Sadly, the blog took the back seat while I had to focus on other things.

But I'm breathing lighter tonight as I write because I don't feel stressed and because it's Christmas this week. I finished my lesson at church today to the few Spanish members who attend my class with a simple, but sure testimony that Jesus Christ is the bright light in my life. I plan to soak up all the Christmas lights I can this week as I remember Him and His life and example. I hope you feel peace, light and joy during this season of love and giving. God gave His son for the world, and His son gave His life that we might live again. What will you give?

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