i think it's crazy, and i'm only doing it because i love her.

(this girl won't stay still long enough for me to get a decent shot.)

It's 9:53pm and 34 degrees outside. In approximately 4 hours, I will be getting out of bed to brave the below freezing temperature to sit in line outside a local preschool in hopes to register her for next year. I think this system is absurd, and believe me...I've let the owner know how cruel this system is. I mean what is this--the Black Friday of preschools?

You better believe I love my children because I don't even bat an eye at the real Black Friday these days. This is just crazy. Wish me luck as I go freeze my bum off tonight with a bunch of other crazy who-haws in this small town! My friend was right when she said, "Sounds like there's some money in opening up another preschool in your town." Anyone? Anyone? 

1 comment :

  1. I have SO had that thought here. All the preschools here are either too "daycare" or too expensive!!


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