Finding peace in uncertainty

I believe one of the greatest lessons I will learn in my life will be finding peace in uncertainty. Whenever I take a few moments to ponder the different paths my life has taken, I am always amazed by how many paths start out foggy and unclear. There have been times when I have taken a few steps onto the path only to turn around as soon as the clouds enveloped me, and there have been other times when I have pushed through the clouds to find small, bright rays of light leading me to larger and more clear roads. 

Uncertainty is unsettling. No matter the situation (ie, waiting for a baby and/or adoption, searching for a job, caring for an ailing loved one, finding your way in a new city), uncertainty stretches the soul and humbles the heart. However, even though periods of uncertainty may feel awkward and painful, I believe that it is in these moments where we can find real peace if we search for it. 

Pain makes me acutely aware of a need for healing. And like pain, uncertainty makes me aware of a need for a higher power that can patch things up from the inside out. Every path I've ever taken--no matter how dark it may have been in the beginning--has always ended in sunshine. I have learned to search for peace when I can't find any solid answers or guidance, and the peace is always there. And I attribute that peace to a very loving Heavenly Father. 

Tonight, I feel that peace even though I am drawing a blank on the answers to so many questions. I have no idea how things will turn out, but I know things will do just that--they will turn out just as they should. They always do. So I am sitting here feeling stretched thin and a little afraid, but most of all, I am certain that this momentary darkness will soon be dispelled by lots of light.

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