scenes from September

So before my head started hating me, I managed to start a small school with the girls while Mya was away at actual school. It was all going swimmingly until wasn't. My head hasn't been up to the task over the past few weeks, and I feel a bit neglectful, but at least I started something, and hopefully it will resume as my headaches fade. The girls really love our time together, and they both enjoy learning their letters. Although I have to admit that the moment Elle finishes tracing her letters she finds the darkest marker she can find and scribbles all over the work she recently completed. I'm not sure Tim believes she actually does anything. Haha.

And then there is Birdie Bea. She is the happiest baby I know so long as she is fed. She will let the world know of her displeasure if she can see food but can't taste it. It's a small problem around here because her sisters insist on preparing her food and feeding her, which takes a little longer than she likes. Please see above. ;) Anyway, no matter how hard my head may be throbbing, these girls are thriving. And I love seeing the growth.

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