
Is there someone out there who just loves making their husband's/children's lunches? I know there has to be someone who finds joy in making the same lame meat sandwich day in and day out. Admit it. Is it you? Because it is not me. Tim just thanked me for being so sweet and making his lunch. This is how I replied, "Oh honey, I'm not sweet. Inside I am grumbling because I can't stand doing this, but I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning and know you are making your own lunch as you are running out the door." See...not sweet. I really don't like making lunches. It's no wonder my mom stopped making our lunches the moment we learned how to use a knife.


  1. LOL! I was just thinking the same thing yesterday as I was making my kids lunch's. Yeah, not a lunch making fan here.

  2. UGH I hate making lunch for myself and the kids (and Danny if he's home!)

  3. I admit it, I'm the silly kinda girl who actually enjoys doing it! It's just one of those domestic things that makes me feel like I'm fulfilling my 1950's roll and I find great satisfaction in that. Try a cute apron, it enhances the experience! :)

  4. I think your nice for doing it PERIOD. With Tyler and I both working/school, we each get to make our own lunch, dinner is the only meal I make for him. So props to you.

  5. ugh, tyler is signed in again, sorry about that. -Eliza

  6. I see these pictures of moms who cut all sorts of cute shapes out of fruit and make designs and I just feel lucky that I get the lunch made. I only do it because my husband just starves if I dont make him a lunch and I feel guilty. And of course I haveto make my daughter's lunch but its not cute by any means.


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