
Last week I visited Madison, Wisconsin for one day with the girls and while the weather did not permit a lot of sight seeing or outdoor activity, it was such a nice getaway to see a good friend. Eliza and I met in 2002 and have seen each other through so many life changes it is hard to believe. Meeting her in that nutrition class so long ago was the best thing I got out of that class...that and my C+ since I thought I was going to fail. She is having her first baby, a girl, in about three weeks, and I am so excited for her. She is going to be one of those moms I wish I could be. Love you Liza...good luck.

(the only picture I got of Madison before the rain started to come down)

1 comment :

  1. I'm so glad you guys came! It meant so much to me that you made that trek... I will return the favor next year. I totally regret that we didn't get ONE picture together... heck we only see each other once a year, oh well! I hope you guys are all on the mend from being sick. Love you!!!
    p.s. I can't believe you made all those soups, bread bowls and croutons, you are super woman!


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