peanut wonderings: favorite christmas memory?

 As previously mentioned in an earlier post, I think some of my favorite memories from past Christmas mornings are creeping out of my room with my sister and brother to follow the smells of chocolate and cinnamon. We hardly slept the night before Christmas. We would often wake up in the wee hours of the morning and play board games to pass time until we were allowed to wake up mom and dad. When the clock struck 6am, we would run into their bedroom and jump on the bed in attempt to rouse their excitement. It wasn't until later in my life that I realized they had been up for hours too. To prevent peeking, my parents would often put up an old sheet in the doorway between the kitchen and living room. The anxiety would often get the better of me and my siblings, and we would sit at the bar sipping our hot chocolate and whine until they would allow us to run into the other room. Our stockings and one present from Santa would be perched on a chair waiting to be opened and loved. I always loved sifting through the trinkets in my stocking; they were the gifts that held the most meaning.

My parents are really good at Christmas. They save a certain amount of money (depending on their budget) each year to purchase things we must have. Although the focus has shifted to the grandkids, my mom (sorry really don't do the shopping) is really thoughtful in her gifts. She wants to make sure she takes care of our needs and wants. Reflecting back on my memories, I don't believe my mom ever received half as many gifts as she gave out. But she never complained. She is the perfect example of Christmas. She is my favorite memory.

What is your favorite Christmas memory?


  1. I loved this memory. My favorite Christmas memory is watching the Beavis and Butthead Christmas special with my mom, sister, and uncle Philip. Unconventional, but totally us.

  2. I love this Janine too! Yay for your mom. At my house growing up Santa always rang the doorbell on Christmas Eve and left 1 present. He would never come until we were all ready for bed, including our hair curled in those foam pink curlers. I also remember baby Jesus was never in our manager until Christmas Eve and I always loved being the one who got to place him there.


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